
Posts Tagged ‘Abstraction’

The Information Staircase

July 1, 2012 1 comment

With the Big Data wave rolling over us these days, it seems everyone is trying to wrap their heads around how these new components fit into the overall information architecture of the enterprise.

Not only that, there are also organisational challenges on how to staff the systems drinking the big data stream. We are hearing about new job roles such as "Data Scientist” being coined (the banks have had them for a long time, they call them Quants) and old names being brought back like “Data Steward”.

While thinking of these issues, I have tried to put together a visual representation of the different architecture layers and the roles interacting with them:


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Reading Material: Abstractions, Virtualisation and Cloud

May 1, 2012 9 comments

Two SocketsWhen speaking at conferences, I often get asked questions about virtualization and how fast databases will run on it (and even if they are “supported” on virtualised systems).  This is complex question to answer. Because it requires a very deep understanding of CPU caches, memory and I/O systems to fully describe the tradeoffs.

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